The best business advice I’ve ever received…
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In this month’s Muscle Whisperer, I was asked what is the best piece of business advice I’ve ever received?
Tricky to answer, as I’ve had so much good advice over the years.
In the end I went with one of the very FIRST bits of advice anyone ever gave me. It was really useful then and it’s still useful now!
In the beginning of my massage career, I was about to leave to see a client for their appointment. I had been speaking with a friend of my dad’s about my new massage therapy business and he commented that at 8pm wasn’t it a little late to still be working?
Full of enthusiasm for my new business, I replied that it was but that as a new massage therapist I didn’t feel I couldl turn anyone down. This is when my family friend gave me a piece of advice that has remained with me to this day.
He said, “don’t make yourself too available. Create a sense of scarcity, so your clients value you more.”
He told me that you want clients to always think you are busy to demonstrate your worth and expertise. Initially I didn’t really agree as I just wanted clients, but over time I came to realise he was right.
By taking this approach, even if it’s giving the illusion of unavailability, massage therapists are able to set boundaries and take time off when they need to. Ultimately to run a successful massage therapy business you need clients to want to fit in with you. You don’t want to create an atmosphere where you are bending over backwards to accommodate their every need. Rather than saying “when would you like to book in?” I now offer clients two or three available slots so that they have options but that it is also clear that I am a busy and successful massage therapist!
This tactic also creates a sense of urgency as well as there is the impression there are limited slots available and they will need to book in now if they want to nab one of them!
And best of all, doing this has meant I haven’t had to work weekends or evenings for years! 🙂
Would you like some business advice of your very own? click here to book a free call with me to discuss how I can help you grow your massage business.