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17 Mar 2021

“How can I do a massage online?”

So many therapists ask me – “I do massage! How can I possibly offer that online?”

You might be wondering the same.

…so for a massage therapist, the answer to “what can I do online” always comes down to 3 things.


1) Do I have any other skills or qualifications, other than massage, that I could utilise to create an online offering. If the answer to this is “No”, and massage is ALL you do (this is very rare, most people have other things in their toolkit) then you can work with people online doing “self-care coaching”. These coaching sessions would involve doing a consultation, then talking them through a self-massage, along with any trigger points, stretches and exercises that you are qualified to teach them. You can also incorporate breathing, meditation, visualisation to make a fully rounded, holistic session. You could package these sessions up to be outcome based (ie 6 sessions in one package, aimed at relieving lower back pain) The client would also have homework to do between sessions.


2)If the answer is “yes” then you would take a detailed look at your life experience, your other qualifications, your soft skills, your strengths AND your passions and interests. Then it’s all about mixing all this together to create a “Wellness Coaching” package, where you would define a specific problem that people have and through your knowledge and skills, you can help them transform, alleviate or solve it.


3) HOW can you put this package online? You could do one-to-one coaching, or you could create a membership, a group programme or an online course.


There are many different ways to do it, it all comes down to how you want to work. It’s different to hands-on work, but it’s an equally nice way to work with people who need your help!


We are not stuck with only being able to offer massage! There’s a ton of possibilities…


Since lockdown, I’ve worked with scores of massage therapists who have all found something amazing to offer as a service online. It’s doable if you want it! I promise you.


If you’d like some help coming up with your offer – that’s what I do in my mentoring sessions! We can work through every step of creating your offer and getting it up and running online.

Click on the link below to schedule a free chat with me.




Join my Facebook Group:  Massage and Holistic Therapists – Take Your Expertise Online

This is the community to connect with other therapists who want to put an element of their business online.

I regularly share tips, hints, strategies and give free trainings within the group. Come and join us!

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