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10 May 2023

“Marketing is unethical, manipulative and nasty”

You know you need to do “marketing”, but what even IS that?

Marketing in your mind is something unethical, manipulative and nasty. Something that’s done by people in shiny suits, while striding briskly through glassy, corporate towers.🤮

That’s not you! You’re not a business person, you don’t want to do salesy marketing. You’re a therapist. (a bloody good therapist by the way!). You really know massage – That’s your passion. Marketing? No thank you!

Yes you’re a therapist, but can I remind you – you’re a therapist who wants to have clients lining up to work with her. Right now there never seems to be enough clients. You always seem to be just scraping by.

You do the bits of marketing that you’ve heard other people do, things that seem innocuous and harmless; posting randomly on Instagram or FB. Printing off leaflets to hand out to…who? No idea, but if you post them in all the letterboxes on your street, that counts as, “doing marketing”, right??

Here’s the thing. You’re being put off by the 1980s version of marketing! That’s not at all how YOU have to do it. In reality, marketing is neither good nor bad. Really it’s all about the intention with which you do it.

To me, marketing is simply, “ letting the people who need you know you can help them”

Imagine someone stressed or in pain. Your massage could make them feel so much better, yet right now, they don’t know you exist. They would welcome your help if they came across it. Why would you not want to help them do that? 💛

If you market to the right people in the right way, marketing can feel loving, authentic and like an act of service . It can become an extension of helping others, (but in a way that makes your perfect clients gravitate towards you!)

Doing marketing well means you create a marketing strategy based on your personal strengths, so marketing never has to be something you avoid, but becomes a regular and easy habit. (You could even start to enjoy it!)

In my Build Your Dream Massage Business mentoring I explain how exactly to do this elusive, marketing thing. And I show you how to do it in a way that suits you and all your therapist loveliness. A way which doesn’t remotely involve people in suits (or only if you want it to! 😉)

Click here to learn more.


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