Do you know where to find your ideal clients?
When I’m working with my mentoring clients, one of the first exercises we do when we’re figuring out their business, is to find out who their ideal client is, and where they hang out.
We look at what blogs they read, who they follow, what podcasts they listen to, what facebook groups or forums they are members of, what magazines they read etc.
Do you know where to find your ideal clients?
If you don’t know, all you have to do is ask them!
One of my mentoring clients told me she had no idea where to find her ideal client. Then, when we dived a bit deeper into who exactly was her ideal client, she suddenly laughed and shouted – “Oh my god, it’s my brother-in-law!”
And with that revelation, she not only knew where her ideal client was likely to hang out, but she also knew who to ask if she needed more information!
How do you ask them? Well, you can do an actual “research interview” with them (I teach a really easy way to do this, along with the right questions to ask, in my mentoring).
AND…you can go into the relevant facebook groups where you think your ideal client might be – and ask them there.
Have you found where your Ideal Client hangs out?
If you’d like some help working out who your ideal client is, and finding out where they hang out online – let’s have a chat about mentoring sessions! In my mentoring, we go through every step of creating your offer and getting it up and running online – including finding your ideal client .
Click on the link below to schedule a free chat with me.