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13 May 2021

What no one tells you about marketing your therapy business

Does it seem as though nothing you’re doing to market your therapy business is working? You put the time and effort in, but you get so little back.

Why does it take so long to get new clients?

It might help to learn that marketing comes with a time-lag.

Everything you’re doing now to get new clients, will come to fruition in another 3-6 months’ time.

So keep doing what you’re doing. Keep plugging away, even though you might think nothing is working…

Everything you do counts, but marketing is a slow burner.

I remember once about 10 years ago, doing a leaflet drop in my neighbourhood to advertise my therapies. I spent an afternoon traipsing round the streets posting 100 leaflets into peoples letter boxes.

I got one client from it.

But…that client had a dog and he walked it everyday with a friend who also had a dog (this is sounding like a shaggy dog story, sorry!)

And one day, about a year after the leaflet drop, the client recommended me to his dog-walking friend.

And the dog-walking friend recommended me to his wife, his wife’s friend, another friend, his brother and his twin daughters.

His daughters then recommended me to their friend at school, the friend recommended me to her sister and then I started massaging their dad too.

And so it went on.

That one leaflet drop took about 2 years to gain results, but when I look at my regular clients now 10 years later, I’d say around 50% of ALL my clients are in some way connected to that one client who had the leaflet put through his letter box.

So you never know what is suddenly going to work – you just have to keep going with faith that something will. And something WILL. 🙂

(By the way, I wouldn’t really recommend leaflets nowadays as a particularly good marketing strategy!)

If you’d like to work directly with me, to know what I WOULD recommend and to find out how to  grow your therapy business and get new (higher-paying) clients, just click below to book a free call.


Or…join my Facebook group “Massage and Holistic Therapists – Grow Your Dream Business” where you can join the conversation, get free tips and advice and meet fellow massage therapists who are dreaming big!

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