The “EASIER = CHEAPER” Price Trap – and how to avoid it.
Do you get caught in the “Easier = Cheaper” Price Trap?
I’ve changing my prices now I’m back working hands-on again and I have a set price for all treatments which is clearly displayed on my website.
Yesterday I had two people call asking for Bowen Therapy and Lymphatic Drainage (both of which are very gentle treatments and sometimes significantly shorter too)
Aarrggghhh! Thankfully I caught myself before any harm was done, but it was close!
The “Easier = Cheaper” price trap is the one where you have different prices for different treatments and you think that because a treatment doesn’t require as much physical effort, (or even time) it should be cheaper than the treatments which are more physically demanding or that take longer.

Transformational means,you can get your client the result they are looking for. And if you get the result, it doesn’t matter what tools you used, how long it took or how easy it was for you to do it.
A transformation basis includes the results, but it also includes all your knowledge, know-how, expertise, years of study and qualifications.
Think of chiropractors – their treatments are sometimes only 10 minutes long and consist of a series of small adjustments. Does that mean their treatments are cheap? God no! And fair enough, they have studied for 5 years to learn how to create a result in 10 minutes!
There’s a story which is a great illustration of this. You might have heard it:
The fable of the Ship Engineer