A Massage therapist’s worst fear…
What’s a massage therapist’s worst fear?
Mine used to be illness and injury – as a massage therapist I was terrified of injuring myself as then I wouldn’t be able to work.
Yesterday I managed to sprain my ankle! No massages for me all week…Guess how many massage clients I’ve had to cancel for the rest of the week?
Just one. Thankfully the others chose to have reflexology or reiki instead, which I can deliver sitting down.
It just reminded me how helpful it is to have other therapies under your belt as an insurance policy. If you currently only provide massage, do consider learning something else as a back-up.
Maybe you could provide holistic facials, reiki, reflexology, bowen, cranio-sacral or acupuncture?…all of which are more gentle on your own body. And as a bonus these tend to have fewer contraindications. If you are doing a consultation with a client and it transpires that they are contra-indicated for massage – you can usually find some other treatment that it is safe to offer them.
So if you are currently only offering massage, think about widening your repertoire…
…either that or make sure you don’t walk your dog at night, on uneven surfaces, in badly fitting shoes, whilst in a rush! 😉