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24 Mar 2020

Changing Times for Massage Therapists – There IS a way through this!

When I started learning massage and holistic therapies 20 years ago, I was so pleased to be learning something that no matter what was going on in the world, would always be useful. You needed nothing more than a pair of hands and you could help people in profound ways.

I NEVER thought that a day would come when a pair of hands would be useless. When caring touch would be prohibited; when hands on therapies would become impossible. And yet, here we are.

So the question now is  – what can therapists do to continue working? How can therapists keep being therapists?

Well don’t despair, I have some ideas for you and I also have an offer of help – read on…


 First of all, let’s look at the facts. You can’t do hands-on services at the moment.

This is a really challenging time for therapists and it is very tempting to curl up in a ball and feel sad and lost.

But remember as well as being therapists – you are also entrepreneurs! You take risks, you rise to overcome challenges and you find ways out of tight spots!

So don’t give up, there’s always opportunities when things look challenging. You just need to get creative! So let’s see what you can do to keep helping people and keep getting paid for your skills.

The obvious answer is to start offering your services online -whether that’s through one to one sessions via Zoom/Skype – or by selling online courses or workshops to your clients.

At the moment this sort of work is uncharted territory for many people. Therapists aren’t used to doing it, and the public aren’t used to needing it. But it’s going to become the only way that people can receive your help. And rest assured when they are stuck in their houses feeling anxious and stressed, with that sore shoulder that they usually would have some therapy to sort out, they will need your help more than ever.

If you are serious about being a therapist and helping people, then although this method might not sound your cup of tea, don’t dismiss it just yet. Your clients still need you. And as people start to really miss their therapies, it will become more normal to access them online, and that will make it easier to get your clients on board. Now’s the time to start looking at working online. Don’t wait for everyone else, get ahead of the curve!

You are not going to have to learn a whole range of new skills for this: You will need to learn a bit of tech, the marketing is a little different to what you are used to and you’ll need some imagination and creativity to come up with ideas, but it’s really not that hard. AND you’ve already got a client base who like you and have been buying from you!

The hard bit will be the change in direction, keeping the right mind-set and keeping up the determination to make this work…but hey, you became a therapist using exactly those skills, so there’s nothing new there! 😉

I’ve spent the last year setting up and marketing online training and mentoring for Orchid. It takes some work, but it’s totally doable.

I was thinking how I could best help you with this. I decided to offer a free mentoring session (around 40 mins) to you, if you’d like some advice around taking your therapies online.

I’ll be offering these from next week for the next few weeks. If you think that might be helpful to you, just comment below or send an email to [email protected].
I’ll have 10 spots available so first come first served!

much love,
Nikki x

2 Responses

    1. Hello!
      I know this is a tough time for therapists at the moment. But I’m so pleased to hear that you are not giving up and you are interested in getting your therapies online!

      I thought I should introduce myself in case you don’t know me: I am a massage and holistic therapist and I own Orchid Massage Academy, where we teach in-person and online courses and where I offer mentoring around therapies and business.

      Having seen so many therapists saying they are going to have to give up their work as they can’t do hands-on at the moment, I thought maybe I can help. So I’m offering a free mentoring session (around 40 mins via Skype) to chat through how (and why!) to move your therapy business online.

      If you’d like to take up a session, just go here:


      and you can book a slot to suit you.

      If you have any other questions around this, just let me know.


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